Vendor Information

An ST19 file is required for all Beltrami County Fair vendors. Download this file, fill it out and then upload the file to the appropriate section below.

General Vendor Application

Setup Schedule: 11am to 6pm on Wednesday of the fair week.

Setup Schedule: begins Monday of the fair week.

Setup Schedule: Must arrive by 11am Wednesday of the fair week.

Hold Harmless and Indemnification
Insurance Information

Provide evidence of insurance coverage, including general public liability insurance for $300,000 per person/$1,000,000 occurrence. • All are responsible for their employees’ compensation, unemployment coverage, social security taxes, and other employment requirements.

The Certificate of Insurance must list the following certifacte holders: Beltrami County Beltrami County Agriculture Association Beltrami County Fair Board Space Rental Manager 7223 Fairgrounds Road NW, Suite 7B, Bemidji MN 56601

For those without the required coverage, KALIFF INSURANCE offers competitive rates. Explore their services at KALIFF INSURANCE. For any insurance-related inquiries for the week of the Beltrami County Fair, please contact: KALIFF INSURANCE , 2009 N.W. Military Hwy , San Antonio, Texas 78213 Phone : 210-829-7634 Fax: 210-829-7637 Email: Note: Dates of coverage must be 8/9/2024-8/10/24 Below is the link to the Kaliff Insurance vendor portal. Once all forms have been completed a payment screen will appear which will show quoted premium. Upon payment, a certificate of insurance will be sent to your email, along with a link to add additional insured, if required. Vendor Insurance Program Highlights - Kaliff Insurance ( Please be aware, under the ‘vendor type’ dropdown menu, if ‘other’ is selected, a quote request will be sent to an underwriter to be reviewed. It is advised to only select ‘other’ if the general categories in the same dropdown will not fit the product / service being required. In addition, applicants have been having trouble with the ‘US Based’ question. Political parties and related groups are excluded from the coverage this portal provides. Note: Dates of coverage must be 8/6/2025-8/10/2025


For check payments, check must be mailed within 5 days of application. Failure to do so may result in your application not being accepted. 
To pay for your vendor space with a credit card, select "Pay with Credit Card" 